The High Stakes Situation Of Having A Work Crush
Do you have a crush at work? It could be someone that was employed the same time as you, or a co-worker who has been with the business for longer, or a new girl. It could be attraction at first sight, or a slow build-up, or a sudden change – something she said or did, that made you notice and fall for her. She could be the popular girl at work, or the shy wallflower. You could be the best of friends, or you could barely know one another. No matter what the case is, you’ve fallen for your co-worker, and you want to make something happen between you and your work crush
The Role Of PassiveGame Regarding Crushes At Work
Now, I won’t tell you that it’s wrong to date a coworker, or not to shit where you eat
You won’t?
( ゚∀゚)
Nope – because you know all that already, and I get that the heart wants what the heart wants
So, the role of PassiveGame, is simply to help you figure out the best course of action to take, and how to take that path you choose – including hooking up with your work crush
The Eight Steps To Attracting Your Work Crush
Problem is, you have no idea how to make things happen between you two
Worse still, you’re well aware that there are very real dangers to making a move on a coworker – which extends to your ability to put food on the table and pay your bills, and even to your professional reputation and your ability to find jobs in the future
Fortunately, there are very concrete steps that you can take, to attract your coworker – and you can even do so close to risk-free, by following the 7 steps
- Know the deal with a crush on a coworker
- Be discreet and respectful
- Check the employee handbook
- Start applying for other jobs
- Decide the importance of your current job
- Note any power imbalances
- Level up your social circle
- Make Friends With Her Work Friends (And Her)
1. Know The Deal With Crushes On Coworkers
Each type of crush has its unique challenges
With a crush at work, the challenge is that it is the riskiest to pursue, as it is directly tied to your livelihood and reputation, with potential bad outcomes including:
- Losing your job
- Awkwardness working together if things go south
- Sexual harassment complaint against you
- Negative professional reputation that lingers
The key to success in landing your workplace crush, is by mitigating the above risks, which gives you a clear path to confidently attract her
The Risk Of: Losing Your Job
This risk is self-explanatory, and is extra serious when:
- The job climate is unfavourable
- You can’t afford to lose your job
This risk can be mitigated by:
- Moving to a new job
- Getting a second job
- Testing your competitiveness in the job market
The Risk Of: Awkwardness Working Together If Things Go South
This is the risk of the workplace getting unbearably awkward if
- You get rejected
- You two date, then things end less-than-super-positively
This risk can be mitigated by:
- Moving to a new job
- Getting a second job
- And upping your hours there
- Transferring to another department
- Being as discreet as possible when making a move on her
How does that help?
( ゚∀゚)
If no one else knows, it’s way easier to pretend everything is fine
( ゚∀゚)
Also, awkwardness is self-perceived: If you know that people know that you’ve bombed with your coworker-crush, you’re more likely to assume others are gossiping and laughing behind your back – which adds to the awkies
The Risk Of: Sexual Harassment Complaint Against You
This risk is self-explanatory, and is extra serious when:
- Your crush at work has connections to your social circle
- Negative reputations you develop could spill over there
- You work in a small and tightly-knit town or industry
- Word is more likely to get around
- It’ll be much harder to escape any new reputations
This risk can be mitigated by being:
- As discreet as possible when making a move on her
- Polite and respectful at all times – even when making a move on her
The Risk Of: Negative Professional Reputation That Lingers
This is about the risk of developing a reputation that follows you to future job applications and jobs, of:
- Hitting on your coworkers
- Dating your coworkers
- Sexual harassment
This risk can be mitigated by being:
- As discreet as possible when making a move on her
- Polite and respectful at all times – even when making a move on her
2. Be Discreet And Respectful
Out of everything you can do, Step 2 is perhaps the most important to not absolutely mess up your life
If You’re Not Discreet With Your Work Crush
Because it doesn’t matter if you get with your crush from work – if you were obvious with your advances towards your work-crush:
- It’s illegal according to HR policy, and you both get fired (or only you get fired [( ゚∀゚) because you started it])
You’ve probably heard of the saying “it’s not illegal if you don’t get caught” – even if it’s against policy, if both of you are into it, and are low-key enough, there might not be consequences
( ゚∀゚)
But if only one of you is low-key enough, there will be consequences
- It could become a problem, even if it’s not technically illegal according to HR policy
How so?
( ゚∀゚)
Well, people could gossip and play Chinese Whispers in a negative way towards you. For example, that you chased her super hard, that there was an element of non-consent, that you’re shit in bed…
Or that you shit the bed
Oh god please no
( ゚∀゚)
Or even if HR doesn’t ban it, and your crush was ok with your advances, if enough people have a problem with it, then you’re gonna have a problem; and if the social pressure gets to your work-crush (e.g. being easy, having no standards, not standing up to the paternalistic institution of male libido), and she changes her tune about her consent, you can suddenly be under the bus for sexual harassment and assault
Oh and by the way, do you think you’re the only guy at work with two eyes and a raging boner?
Exactly – other guys are gonna have the hots for your work crush too – and some of them may be more popular, more essential to the company, or higher position than you – and if you make them jealous (by getting with her) or even just identify yourself as competition (even if you bomb with your work crush), you could find yourself ostracised, upwardly-immobile, without good job references, or fired, or your reputation tainted
- It becomes her problem too
( ゚∀゚)
If her work-friends think you’re not good enough for her, and they find out that you’re gunning for her, she is less likely to accept your advances
And if you two have slept together, she’ll be judged for it BIG-TIME, and be less likely to continue to see you
( ゚∀゚)
Or, if her work-friend has a crush on you, then you become more high-value (and attractive) in her eyes – and she’s more likely to do something with you. However, if you’re obvious about making advances on her, she might turn you down to preserve the relationship with her work-friend – whereas she could have seen you on the down-low if you hadn’t made things so goddamn transparent to everybody
Or she might just want to straight-up avoid the dating-someone-from-work reputation, and will flat-out reject any coworkers (including you) if people at work find out who was making a move on her
Why would girls try to avoid that reputation?
( ゚∀゚)
Oh lots of reasons: There’s an element of “doesn’t have it in her to keep it in her pants” ([(⌐O_O) Keep what in her pants?] [( ゚∀゚) Oh you know. It.]) professional element – which affects not only reputation but also possibly her career progression; it gives ammunition to jealous girls bad-mouthing her as loosey goosey and all that – by serving them concrete evidence on a platter; she loses the high status that comes with the unattainable-in-the-workplace vibe; AND it also sets the precedent for coworkers to shoot their shot with her
If You’re Not Respectful With Your Work Crush
And if you’re disrespectful towards your work-crush when pursuing her:
- She almost certainly won’t be ok with it
- You’re on the hook for sexual harassment / assault
- Even if she was fine with it, her workmates probably won’t be
- You’re still on the hook for sexual harassment / assault
- Even if she and her workmates are fine with it, HR probably won’t be
- All roads lead to getting accused of sexual harassment / assault
- Even if she turns you down, and doesn’t want to make a big deal out of it, it will be harder for her to act like nothing’s going on (especially when you are around), which might make her friends and workmates suspicious, and eventually the cat comes out of the bag
- Didn’t I say all roads lead to getting accused of sexual harassment / assault
So, to avoid the certainty of bad endings, we need you to operate discreetly and respectfully when it comes to the crush on your coworker
Being Discreet
The thing about discretion, is that there are different levels
- Level 0
- You blatantly flirt with your work crush
- Everyone can tell you’re into her
- Level 1
- You don’t flirt; and you don’t socialise with anyone – except with your work crush
- People will assume that socialising takes a lot of effort and courage from you, and that you can only bother to voluntarily interact with someone you’re truly interested in – so, most people can still tell you’re into her
- Level 2
- You don’t flirt; and you socialise with others too, but the only girl you socialise with is your crush at work
- Most people will assume heterosexual orientation in others by default – and if you socialise freely with guys, and only socialise with one girl, people can’t help but put two and two together
- Level 3
- You don’t flirt; and you socialise with everyone, including other girls, except your workplace crush
- People can still suspect you’re into her, since you seem socially skilled and proactive enough, so there must be a reason you’re avoiding her
- Also, this doesn’t get you closer with her
- Level 4
- You don’t flirt; and you socialise with everyone, including other girls, including your work crush
- People can’t be sure if you’re into her, or into another coworker, or are just social by nature
You can probably see that Level 4 is where the pudding is at:
Not only do you avoid suspicion by hiding in plain sight…
( ゚∀゚)
Where people can’t tell if you are or aren’t interested in anyone or everyone
…But also, your easygoing social proactivity gives you the perfect alibi for associating with your crush and her workmates; and the social value from being socially active is also likely to spark curiosity and attraction from your crush
So, the key to being discreet with your work crush, is to keep everything professional and social, and to be social with everybody
( ゚∀゚)
Oh and quick tip: Don’t send anything non-work-related between your employee email, and your crush’s employee email: In case there are any rumblings and grumblings, and investigations into things, correspondence on this medium can be fully and legally accessed by your workplace HR; and is automatically unfavourable to you, since it’s using work time and resources for personal matters
Being Respectful
Now, I want to make something really clear here
When I refer to being respectful, I don’t just mean don’t be crass or objectifying with your crush
I mean straight-up no flirting, or anything other than the most conservative and wholesome compliments
You might think that’s going off to the deep end, but there is method to the madness
Playing Defense Properly
Firstly, realise that you are trying to mix business with pleasure at a workplace where there are Human Resources and Work Policy and Code Of Conduct and a Legal Department and all that jazz
Trying to score in the workplace is like trying to stay alive on Everest – the environment is literally set up for the opposite to happen
The bar for sexual harassment is not only low, it’s open to interpretation – even a simple compliment can constitute evidence when someone wants to take it the wrong way
And who’s the someone?
( ゚∀゚)
Literally anyone at work: Your crush, her work-friends, jealous male co-workers, jealous female co-workers, someone in HR, the boss….
Ok look, we know that you’ll eventually have to make a move on your work crush, to get anywhere
Before that time though, there should be zero concrete evidence for anyone to point to, to suggest that you were being indecent with the coworker you have a crush on
Attracting Her Without Flirting
Hold on, if I can’t hit on her, or even compliment her, how am I supposed to make her attracted enough to go out with me?
( ゚∀゚)
That’s the beauty of PassiveGame: You are not attracting her by doing attractive things – you are attracting her by being attractive
What? Wait – how?
( ゚∀゚)
Think of a cute girl: She doesn’t have to speak a word, or lift a finger, and you’re already attracted to her – she didn’t do anything, she is simply being
( ゚∀゚)
But it doesn’t work like that for guys – we can’t just doll ourselves up, and sit there and look pretty, and wait for girls to jump on us
( ゚∀゚)
That’s because physical appearance isn’t the thing girls find attractive in guys – it’s actually his social value – which is convenient, since this is what PassiveGame focuses on
So, by building high social value, I would be naturally attractive to my crush, even without hitting on her?
( ゚∀゚)
Bingo – so remain completely professional with your work-crush, while you move onto the next steps
3. Check The Employee Handbook
The next logical step, if you haven’t already, is to check if your crush on a coworker is permitted to go anywhere – by checking the employee handbook
Dating Coworkers Is Allowed
The best case scenario, is that dating someone from work is allowed, or not prohibited
In that case, you can proceed directly to the next step
Dating Coworkers Is NOT Allowed
In the case that dating in the workplace is explicitly banned, you have a few options
One is to give up for now, at least until the situation changes, such as:
- She’s no longer employed at the same workplace
- You’re no longer employed at the same workplace
Two is to risk it, and make a move on her anyway – however this is highly unadvisable, since too many things could go wrong, which are outside of your control
- You mess up, and she reports you
- She’s not into you, and reports you
- She chats with workmates, who report you
- You date each other, but you and/or her aren’t not low-key enough, and someone reports you
- You date each other, and you are both low-key enough, but someone on your social media makes a comment about you to being together, someone from work sees it, and reports you
If you don’t like or need your job, then playing minesweeper may be a fun way of bombing out in style – you have been warned though
Three is to be proactive, and to start to delving into your other options to make a living – which is covered in the next step
4. Start Exploring Other Work Options
Exploring other work options spans different areas:
- Looking for a new job, to
- Replace your current one altogether
- Serve as bargaining power for better pay or working conditions
- Looking for a second job, to
- Supplement your income
- Serve as backup to the existing job
- Build up your expertise, reputation, and client list as a freelancer or contractor, to
- Supplement your income
- Serve as backup to the existing job
- Build up a side business, to
- Supplement your income
- Serve as backup to the existing job
- Eventually retire early
You might be thinking “Damn son, I haven’t even decided yet to make a move on my work-crush, and you’re already telling me to plan for my own work-funeral”
And you would be right
Because in your situation, there are no downsides to this step
Shooting Your Shot With Your Work Crush? Definitely Cover Your Backside
If you decide to take a shot with the coworker you have a crush on, there is the very real possibility of things becoming too awkward to continue working together, or of you losing your job by going against work policy, or getting accused of sexual harassment
So, investing in your Plan B is a must
Perhaps most importantly, exploring your money-making options may give you the rude awakening that you don’t want, but need:
- Maybe you’re not as competitive in your industry, and you don’t get many (or any) interviews or offers
- Maybe your industry is in decline, and you’re hard-pressed even finding positions to apply for, or businesses willing to take your CV
Yes, it can take significant effort to walk your CV to the bin – especially if they’re getting hit up like dozens of times when they ain’t even looking to hire
( ゚∀゚)
And yeah, if you don’t foresee a recovery down the track, then seriously consider a lane-change if you’re young enough or driven enough
- It takes significant time and effort and self-education for a business or freelancing career to take off
- Nobody wants to pay for the product or service that your business idea will provide
- You don’t yet have enough dedication and discipline to be your own boss
If this is the case, keep your head down – and your nose to the grindstone – until you make something work, before you consider even going for your crush at work – otherwise you are doing the equivalent of tightrope-walking without a safety net ([( ゚∀゚) And without any experience I’m guessing…])
Not Shooting Your Shot With Your Work Crush? Doesn’t Mean Forever
Even if you’ve decided against pursuing your crush at work – either right now, or ever, there are still reasons to start digging your secret exit
If you’ve decided to postpone going for your work-crush – because it’s too busy at work, or she currently has a partner – that doesn’t mean things won’t change later
And when the time is right, you want to be ready to hit the ground running ([(^ΦдΦ^) instead of getting caught with your pants down fapping to her Instagram]) – and that means unencumbered by worrying about endangering the only option for your livelihood
What if I’ve decided that I don’t want to go for this work-crush anymore?
Same deal: One day, you might stop lying to yourself, and start listening to your heart
( ゚∀゚)
Or even if you full-on aren’t interested in her anymore, you’ve shown that you have the propensity to fall for your coworkers – if a new girl enters the picture, and she really knocks your socks off, and it’s an arms race in the office to see who can score with her first, you’ll be glad that you’re ready to make your move
5. Decide The Importance Of Your Current Job
So, now that you’ve explored your employment options, it’s time to take stock of how much you value your current job:
- Your competitiveness in your job market
- How replaceable are you to the company
- How much you enjoy working at this company
- Health of the job market
- How much do you need work
- Are you living rent-free with parents?
- Do you have an emergency fund and other liquid assets? How long will it support your lifestyle without a job?
- Do you have significant debts which can’t be put off?
- E.g. student loans, mortgage, credit card debt
- Do others depend on your wage or salary
- Do you have freelancing side-gigs, or entrepreneurial projects, that are already making money?
An easy sniff test, is a thought experiment: If you were fired tomorrow, how stressed would you be about your situation?
Would you freak out about how to put food on the table next week?
Or would you feel this is as good an excuse as any to finally leave?
Your answer will hopefully inform you of the level of risk you take on, by choosing to go after your crush from work
6. Note Any Power Imbalances
There is one more thing to note, and that is power imbalances
Hierarchical Imbalances
If you and your work crush are both at the same level in the company, then that’s the least complicated
However, if either of you is more senior, there might be rules specifically forbidding dating, which will either punish both parties, or just the more senior person
If only the more senior person is punished, and that’s you – you’ll have to deal with the added risk; if it’s her, then she may have extra reservations about hooking up with you
Social Imbalances
Also, consider if you or your crush is more experienced, valuable, or popular at the workplace, or tight with the boss or management: If things go bad, and one of you has to go, it’ll come down to these factors – so if you really want to keep your job, this may be an extra factor to consider
7. Level Up Your Social Circle
The next thing – probably the most important thing to actually landing your work crush – is to trick out your social circle
By this, I mean to build up an ecosystem where there are cute girls (lots of cute girls) and cool people, and to run events that naturally show:
- That you are the common thread – you’re the connector of them all
- Everyone having a good time when with you
- You have something that other people want
This does several things:
Upping The Attraction
Firstly, the social circle will make you attractive to your work crush
This is because, by being the event host and leader, and by knowing everybody (except for +1s – but you’re still the one welcoming them), you show that all the social circle are belong to you, and that:
- You own this resource
- You have the ability to get more of this resource
This is pretty much like having power and status, which is a, um, powerful aphrodisiac
What’s more, the attraction happens risk-free for you, as you are not flirting with her, or laying a hand on her
Because you’re hover-handing?
( ゚∀゚)
Stop it Snarks, that’s mean
So there is no chance of any allegation of sexual harassment, or coworkers getting suspicious and nosy
This attraction is most effective when she is in your social circle, and experiencing your value directly
However, it starts working as early as when any of her friends are in your social circle, because she is going to see them tagged in your photos and posts
Maintaining The Attraction
Perhaps just as importantly, once you introduce your work crush to your social circle, and the attraction starts happening – it won’t just go away
That’s because you didn’t do anything to indicate interest in her – so there is no time limit in her head to wait for you to make a move
And your high-value social circle is keeping you attractive in her eyes
And that is powerful
That means you don’t need rush to pursue your crush from work
It means you can simply wait until either of you gets another job, and completely side-step the dating-at-work issue
Lowering Your Stakes
And perhaps most importantly, having a high-value social circle, creates a sense of abundance, which naturally protects you from making bad decisions
Let’s face it: You’ve probably heard that there’s plenty of fish in the sea…
( ゚∀゚)
Yes – it’s been alleged
…Plenty of girls out there, and there should be at least a few for you
And yet, you’re seriously considering going for a girl specifically at the place where you earn a living – at the risk of losing your livelihood
That is not a decision that a person with options would make
No – you’re likely starved of attention, friendship, companionship, and heterosexual interactions: So much so, that you turn your attention to the girl you work with – who has a professional obligation to be nice and make small-talk – and go and develop feelings for her
Because if not her, there is nothing else in your life
Not. So.
When you build your own social circle – when you build your own high-value social circle – and fill it with people whose company you enjoy, and tons of girls who are your type, suddenly that scarcity exits your body: You have people who are compatible with you – whom you can connect with emotionally; and you have other cute girls to pursue
And that helps you lower the emotional investment in your workplace crush, which is a win no matter your circumstance:
If you still want to pursue her, the stakes won’t be as high, and you won’t be as awkward and creepy when interacting with her; and you are less likely to rush and stuff things up
If you don’t want to pursue her but just can’t help feeling what you’re feeling, developing an emotional safety net and a bunch of dating options in your ideal social circle, will likely give you the abundance mentality to totally drop the thought of going for her without any emotional baggage
When Your New Social Circle Is Ready
When you have built up your high value social circle, AKA the system of generating attraction passively – it is time to start inviting your work crush and her friends into it
8. Make Friends With Her Work Friends (And Her)
The final thing, is to start socialising with her work-buddies
This doesn’t mean suddenly going and sitting at their lunch table one day without warning
No, this means baby-stepping
Say hi when you pass some of them, ask for their names, start asking them about their days, start having multiple conversational threads that you start and pick up another time, invite them to sit with you and/or your group, start sitting with them and their group, and start getting to know your crush through the friends and that social circle, and so on
( ゚∀゚)
By the way, the above steps aren’t supposed to all happen in one encounter – that’s too intense: Take things at a relaxed pace, as you run into them naturally
Why this slower pace?
( ゚∀゚)
Because forcing things comes across as try-hard, and makes things awkward – which you want to avoid at all costs. Remember that they’re not going anywhere anytime soon – so take your time
Regardless of whether or not you are pursuing your work crush, you should still do this – because there are only upsides in all scenarios:
When You Are Pursuing Your Work Crush Right Now
If you’re looking to get physical with your workplace crush – or to date her – ASAP, then befriending her through her social circle is the safest and fastest way to getting a shot with her
Firstly, because you went through her friends first, so no normal person would suspect that she was your target all along
Even if the friends are lame, unattractive, and have no redeeming qualities, the fact that you are friends with the group in general before getting to know her, will still obscure your intentions
( ゚∀゚)
As long as you’re natural and low-key about making contact with your work crush, and getting to know her
Yep – when you finally get talking to your crush, don’t suddenly be like “Bye bitches :D” and ignore the rest of the group – divide your time and attention naturally, depending on the flow of the group interaction
Secondly, you did not directly go and socialise with her, so she can’t point to that as evidence of you harassing her
Thirdly, socialising with any of her work-friends is way faster and easier than trying to socialise with her
Why’s that?
( ゚∀゚)
Ok, one, there is likely more than one of the work friends, and definitely only one of her-
And don’t I know it
( ゚∀゚)
-and don’t you know it. So, it’s easier to naturally bump into them, and for a natural interaction to happen
( ゚∀゚)
And two, because you’re not attracted to the work friends…
(Unless her work-friends are also hot – in which case you have a massive problem – but that’s a topic for another day)
( ゚∀゚)
… You will be having a low-stakes interaction, because it’s platonic – that’s way easier than having a high-stakes interaction with your work crush, where you have try to get over the shock of running into them, try to settle dem tummy butterflies, try to remember your lines, try to say the right things, while also try to keep your composure, as you try to pretend that things are only platonic
That’s a lot of acting
( ゚∀゚)
Tell me about it – the things we do for our tiny head…
Speak for yourself
( ゚∀゚)
Let’s let Krillin take the stage
As you get to know her and her work circle more, you will start asking what each other were up to, and exchanging social media – and tales of your vibrant social life will start to spread across the land, backed up by social media posts, with cute girls and cool people visible in photos and tags and Likes and Comments, will make its way to your work crush, and thus starting her attraction for you
When You Are Not Pursuing Your Work Crush Right Now
Those of you who have studied socialising and networking at all, might be familiar with the phrase “Dig your well before you’re thirsty” – when you don’t need something from someone, is the best time to reach out, because when you do need something, you won’t have a pre-existing relationship and level of goodwill to tap into – and you’ll also reek of desperation
In the same way, you might have chosen to not pursue your work crush while you are both working at the same place, or while she has a boyfriend, or while work is choking everyone out
This is in fact the best time to wonder into her social circle, since you can do so without feeling like you have to rush things, or to not fuck things up – and this will make you more natural in your interactions with your work crush and her friends
In fact, once you’ve incorporated her and her work friends into your social circle, you can simply sit back and wait, until the right time to make your move
When You Are Not Pursuing Your Work Crush Ever
If you’ve completely shelved the idea of pursuing your crush from work, then befriending her work-friends, will mean you will also eventually befriend her – and assuming that you didn’t give up on pursuing her because she’s not cute enough, having a cute girl in your social circle is always a good thing (especially for PassiveGame, which is heavy on the practical applications of one’s social circle).
Also, she will hold sway over other guys at the workplace too, and being allied with her, will have its advantages
B-Baka, What Are You Waiting For?
So, now you should have a good idea of whether you should go for the coworker you have a crush on, and what to do next
Whether or not you decide to pursue your coworker, and whether or not you decide to pursue your coworker right now, you should start building your own high-value social circle. If you would like detailed step-by-step instructions on how to do so, see here
Tip: Don’t Rush The Date
When you do get the date, don’t be too thirsty. If plans go side-ways, sometimes it pays to cancel the date outright….
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