Do you have a crush on your:
- Friend
- Friend’s sister / cousin
- Friend’s friend
- Friend’s girlfriend
- Classmate
- Coworker
- Local waitress / bartender / checkout chick
You want her so bad, but you know if you stuff up, the consequences are unthinkable and unbearable
CrushGame is designed to solve this problem: It is the special branch of PassiveGame that lets you attract your crush completely under the radar – by interacting with her in a friendly and social way – as you would with any other guy or girl, then simply attract her automatically and risk-free by simply being attractive, rather than doing things to attract her
If this sounds like it’s for you, check out the following resources:
Crush On Friend? Attract Her Risk-Free In 7 Steps
Attract Your Work Crush Risk-free In 8 Steps
There’s More
There are way more types of unfair advantages from building a high-value social circle – check them out in Categories